FTV Nicole[This is from FTV Nicole ] Hi members, I'm happy to appear for FTV and shoot what I think is classy material. I'm from Chicago, and I'm visiting the West Coast for a while doing modeling of this type. I'm picky for whom I shoot with & and I do my research on the sites I'm going to work for. This site was one of my first picks & the photos that came out of the shoots were perfect to show to my family (the non-nude ones). The story of my life is pretty simple, I was born & raised in Florida, but at 17 I got serious with this guy who was 12 years older than me. I moved with him to Ohio when I was 18, and started working there at the bar that he owned (a high end posh bar). We even got engaged, but he was so rediculously overprotective of me and possessive, I couldn't do anything without his consent. So things fizzled out just a few months ago and I had to get away from this stale relationship. And here I am! My family is the traditional Italian type, so they really don't know what's going on. Its more like 'I'm moving to LA for fashion modeling' sort of thing. FTV was a good step in the right direction to keep that illusion for my parents. And so anyways, the experience was a lot of fun! That girl Alison is about my age & has done this before, so she showed me all the crazy risky things that goes on in front of the camera. I went for it and it has a fun feel to it. Funny how I didn't think it would be so, that the most fun part of the whole thing would be me orgasming on camera! First I didn't think I would've been able to, and was nervous about that. But it started feeling good and the rush came over me in no time. It was so satisfying especially since I hadn't had one for quite a while.