FTV Girls Bring Back ChristyThis shoot was an adventure... I did so much driving that day, the locations may seem like they are bunched together, but it was several hours of driving inbetween. Christy was here for the week, and had brought her cousin over for a shoot (see the ultra-busty teen Lilian). A lot of this shoot amounted to timing & luck, some of which went not according to plan -- eg. at the end of clip 5, I had hoped to have her masturbate there, but we ended up having to go home, since every 'on location' spot we found had a boatload of people. So she did it at the comfort of the FTV house's computer room. We did luck out on the outdoor hiking masturbation, found a corner on the trail that did not distract. Her feisty attitude is always fun, and I made the 'extra effort' to tease her. The only thing that bugged me was her extra tattoos, they seem to grow on girls like her, who love them. They never seem to realize, however, that nobody else will like them. It was a long day for sure, and by the end, Christy was exhausted. I had to videotape that last part... catching her snoring haha. Anyways, a 'warm' video for those of you who are now deep into the cold.