A Row Of Dildos
I wonder what happens when a girl doesn’t make it through the pledge process… I mean imagine if you get on a row of dildos and fuck it along with the rest of your pledge class and then afterwards you don’t want to do it anymore. That much suck but it’s great for us because I love seeing hot amateur fucking dildos and eating each other out I mean that’s what college is all about! This is a episode from Haze Her called A Row Of Dildos For The Newbee’s and I have never seen so many pledges doing outrages stuff all at the same time before. The dildos are actually set up from the biggest at the very end to the smallest at the other. The call up each pledge individually and have them climb the latter if you will. If you ride each dildo for 2 minutes hard and make it all the way you get to stop doing the hazing, seems like a pretty good deal to me.
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