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Whoopass for the Day


Daily whoopass

Take a look at that picture up above of that naked amateur hanging out in the yard. What do you notice right off the bat? Probably those sweet titties of hers, followed by her cute butt and maybe those dorky sunglasses she’s sporting, right? Well did you notice the retractable awning up in the top-right of the picture? Of fucking course you didn’t, because you’re not Ernie’s House of Whoopass. Not only did they notice the awning but they wrote up a little informational paragraph about it with a helpful picture link that goes to this hottie…pretty hilarious if you ask me. Ernie’s House of Whoopass is like a daily digest of some of the wacky shit that goes on all around the world on the internet, for instance in this update there’s a chick in Russia who rides around on her motorcycle and dishes out some swift retribution when people litter, by throwing their shit back into their car windows or taping an empty bottle to this one chump’s mirror, pretty funny. You never know what you’re going to find out or read about but hey that’s just how life is sometimes, so enjoy it.

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