American Gladiators
Take a nice long hard look at that thumbnail just above this here…where do your eyes go? Not to the chick on the right’s American Gladiators tshirt, I’ll damn well bet the farm on that…but that’s exactly what gets mentioned on today’s installment of Ernie’s House of Whoopass! He loves to fixate on some minor detail and show a picture with some sexy half-naked amateur (or a couple of them as you can see here) as ‘illustration’ for whatever the thing is. Pretty funny all around, and if you read em through on the daily you’ll actually be learning some pretty cool stuff. For instance in this update (the guy updates daily as a sort of digest) Ernie not only talks about the American Gladiators, he also talks about the velocity of an arrow fired from a crossbow as opposed to a longbow as opposed to a 9mm bullet. Pretty interesting stuff and always well-written…the site has quickly become one of my daily reads so I figure once in awhile I should pass on the word to you guys to check out as well.
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