Bad Salute Sweet Pussy
Apparently this redhead amateur cutie is saluting improperly, because her wrist is bent at an angle. The correct way to salute someone is with your hand, wrist and forearm straight and your upper arm parallel to the ground…I was never in the armed forces so I never really knew the specific rules for that sort of thing before, did you? That’s just one of the things that Ernie talks about in this latest post on his site Ernie’s House of Whoopass (or EHOWA for short), you never know what you’re gonna run across on there but you damn well know it’s going to be interesting and is probably going to have a picture of a sexy amateur flashing titty in it as well! Ernie has pretty varied interests and loves to talk about whatever, he’s always interesting and I love that he intersperses those pictures as well of course. He also does scavenger-hunt type things where he’ll post a picture and then ask viewers to identify where it was taken, that sort of thing…he posts pretty much every day and it’s always worth checking out!
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